

I'm still trying to make the shift from a good weekend to another work week. Looking forward to the up coming weekend again; friends, drinks, and good food.
Night Owl Series


RitterTALK: 01/20/11 : Tea Party and the Jews

Listen to internet radio with Ritterbush on Blog Talk Radio

Peaceful Rhetoric in Retarded Times: A Message to Moderates

Because you're too smart for the left/right BS.

Peaceful Rhetoric in Retarded Times: A Message to Righties

Because you have more sense than this.

Peaceful Rhetoric in Retarded Times: A Message to Lefties

Time to join together comrades! Just kidding!

REVIEW: Big Bang's Baby V returns with VVIP

Big Bang's bass player..erm...I mean maknae returns to remind us that he's just as sexy as ever.


The Time line of the Zombie

Welcome Luminosity to the affiliates list!

Just wanted everyone to check out "Luminosity - Promote, support and spread the love of underrateds", an awesome Asian music blog devoted to the amazing but underrated artists you should be listening to! Check them out and show them some Momo.Psycho love!

REVIEW: Sexy Charisma Park Jung Min returns with the epic "Not Alone" (MV)

Warning: The following could be incredibly biased because I freaking love Jungminnie!

Floating Lights

Some people prefer the Day while others prefer the Night. I'm a Night person. Welcome to the Night Owl Series.


REVIEW: Fresno's Wassabi: To die for...seriously

Too many selections for sushi lovers, not enough for people who don't. But hey, they have a great ambiance and rice beer!


Secret Garden

I was walking around and stumbled upon a closed off area with this statue. It's kind of creepy and cool. Knowing my luck, I probably technically trespassed onto the property. Don't do that boys and girls; it's wrong.


RitterTALK 01/13/ 2011

                           "Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will not hurt me... physically"
                                                                                          Some Pansy School Kid

Sarah Palin and the Learned Elders of Zion

Clearly, violent rhetoric in politics was started by those damn journalist and pundits

Sarah Palin victimizes herself, again.


LOL Lobster

Piggy Dolls: Too talented to be idols (MV, Live Performance)

These girls are outside of box, both with their figures and their talents.

Westboro Baptist Church: Hate that can unite us all

Fred Phelps, founder of the Westboro Baptist Church (est. 1955)

"The arts of power and its minions are the same in all countries and in all ages. It marks its victim; denounces it; and excites the public odium and the public hatred, to conceal its own abuses and encroachments." - Henry Clay

Flowers and Nuclear Flowers!

Ever wonder what flowers (if they are able to survive) would look like while emitting radiation?
Neither have I. But, that's the first thing I thought of when I tampered with the photo.


Opposite Ends

Walking around in the freezing cold and standing in the middle of the street without a care. Being a night owl has its perks.